Why I Call Cleaning ‘Easy Money’

After 20 plus years in this industry here is why I call cleaning easy money…

Reason number 1 is that you can make a full time income working just part time.  And that’s not just something I say, it’s really true.  It may take a little bit of time to work up to that, but it’s a fraction of the time it would take to do the same thing working for someone else, if they even end up letting you work part time hours at all.  

Number 2, it’s practically stress free.  I wake up actually excited to go to work every day, and that’s not something I could say with the “corporate job” I had for a while.  Especially once you have your clients in a good routine, they’ll just leave you alone and let you do your thing. 

Number 3, there is VERY LITTLE overhead if done correctly.  There isn’t any fancy equipment requiring a business loan or expensive marketing required.  Just get some affordable tools and products...get to work...and start making money.  

Number 4 and kind of related to the low stress, is that I have mental energy left over at the end of the day, because cleaning just isn’t that mentally taxing.  Then I can spend that mental energy on what I want.  Remember, cleaning isn’t complicated when it’s done right.  

And number 5...you go to work, you collect your money, and you’re done!  There isn’t any work going home with you, except maybe some laundry and very occasional office work.  

Some other benefits not related to the money aspect per say, are that I’m always moving so I get paid to exercise...I get to make already beautiful things look even more beautiful...and I get to be in control, because it’s my business.  

Happy cleaning!


The Truth About Cleaning Hacks